CSA is Ready for Business!

Contributing blogger Lucy Norris is Project Manager for Puget Sound Food Network. For more information, please see staff bios at http://www.agbizcenter.org/staff Over the last few decades, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms have sprouted up all over the country responding to a growing desire for food that is good, clean and fair. CSA creates a direct link…

CPPW Farm to Table (F2T) Update

The end of March was PSFN’s first F2T deliverables deadline. The F2T Team  had been fretting about how F2T purchases would be affected by the dearth of local produce available this time of year.  We joked with meal partners that we were on “the Irish diet” with only potatoes and turnips gracing the pages of…

Muckleshoot Tribal Cooks Retreat

This past weekend, PSFN’s Farm to Table (F2T) Coordinator, Karen Mauden, was invited to attend the first ever Tribal Cooks Retreat at Bastyr University. Hosted by Muckleshoot Senior Program (a F2T meal-provider partner) and Northwest Indian College, this 2-day retreat helped “sharpen both knives and healthy cooking skills” of selected tribal cooks working at Muckleshoot…

Member Training Sessions are off to a Good Start!

Yesterday, PSFN hosted the first of many PSFN Member Training Sessions.  These one-on-one, hour-long meetings are an opportunity for producers, buyers, and service providers alike to meet with your PSFN Account Manager and to ask necessary questions to help move your business forward. We’ve developed these trainings because we want to know from YOU, individually,…