PSFN Member Helps Provide Crucial Summer Nutrition to Kids!

This Saturday, the City of Seattle kicked off its Summer Food Service Program for Seattle children. The program helps ensure recipients of free or reduced-price school lunches have access to nutritious daily meals when school is not in session over the summer months. This year, PSFN Member Maltby Produce is selling fresh produce to the…

2011 Wholesale Market Season Announced – Now Seeking Buyers!

The details for the second season of PSFN Wholesale Markets are officially released! These business-to-business local food aggregation sites (in Seattle and Mount Vernon) will be open for business beginning the third week in July, and PSFN is now actively seeking business and institutional buyers Seattle Wholesale Market Wednesday Mornings 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM…

Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn Pays Farm to Table Partners Another Visit!

Yesterday, Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn paid PSFN’s Farm to Table project partners his second visit this year!  Mayor McGinn dropped by Beacon Hill Community Day School (of the Community Day School Association [CDSA], an Early Learning and Family Support [ELFS] ECEAP subsidized child care center), to witness the site’s third Farm to Table delivery of…

PSFN Under the Big Sky!

PSFN’s Operation Manager, Ann Leason, and Farm to Community Coordinator, Emma Brewster, spent this last weekend in Missoula, Montana attending the 2011 Joint Annual Meetings of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS), Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), & the Society for Anthropology of Food and Nutrition titled Food and…

Farm to Table Update: Early Learning and School Aged Community Make Leaps and Bounds!

The Farm to Table (F2T) pilot project among the early learning, child care, and school age community launched in late March and we’re so proud of, and impressed by, their progress so far! Only two months into the eight-month pilot, half of the sites have already ordered through F2T, and some have made repeat purchases….

Grand Opening of the Seattle Wholesale Growers Market!

Yesterday was the Grand Opening of the Seattle Wholesale Growers Market!*  A cooperative of growers from Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, this market brings together the best the Pacific Northwest has to offer in locally grown cut flowers, greens and ornamentals. Check out these beautiful pictures taken at the market’s Grand Opening yesterday! Thanks to Rosemary…

Whatcom Food Network Forum – May 11, 2011

There were so many interesting people to meet and so little time! The Whatcom Food Network committee organized a great event that many not for profit organizations, local businesses, city and county representatives, community groups, local food activists, environmentalists, and interested individuals attended. PSFN was fortunate enough to take part in such a fun networking…

Farm to Table (F2T) Makes its 1st Child Care Delivery!

Only three weeks after the launch of the F2T Child Care Pilot through the City of Seattle’s Early Learning and Family Support (ELFS) division, PSFN has coordinated the first ELFS F2T delivery! Prospect Enrichment Preschool, an Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) was the first ELFS site to make an order and PSFN’s F2T…

Producer Member Highlight – Kia Armstrong, Nash’s Organic Produce

New PSFN member, Nash’s Organic Produce, has been farming in the Dungeness River Valley for nearly four decades.  Farm to Community Coordinator, Emma Brewster, chatted with Nash’s Farm Manager, Kia Armstrong last week about the farm’s history, its current projects, and how the farm is planning for its next generation of managers and the future….