Food Systems Project Accelerator

About the Food Systems Project Accelerator

The Food Systems Project Accelerator is a collaboration of over 30 entities operating together with project leadership from the Northwest Agriculture Business Center (NABC). Project partners include Resource Conservation Districts with expertise in land management and resource conservation and educational and for-profit organizations with expertise in developing business and marketing plans and successfully seeking funding. The services offered will include access to technical support with project planning, grant-writing, and implementation as well as access to administrative support.

The Food Systems Project Accelerator is soliciting applications from entities, groups, and individuals with food systems infrastructure projects in a 12-county region of Puget Sound. We define food systems infrastructure to include both physical infrastructure such as storage and processing facilities, and the knowledge needed to successfully operate and manage physical infrastructure and food transportation logistics. Projects may be in the planning or implementation stage and must address some element of increasing equitable access to opportunities in the food system and improving regional food security. Examples of qualifying projects include processing and storage facilities, training programs for farms and food banks wishing to work together, and projects that link local farm products to regional markets.

For additional questions regarding the application process please contact Emily Manke at, (360) 223-2008.

The 2025 Project Accelerator will open on March 24, with pre-applications open from March 24 to April 11

The 2024 Food Systems Project Accelerator Awardees are:

  • BIPOC Food Hub (in Pierce Co. supported by the Make A Difference Foundation)
  • Orcas Community Participatory Agriculture
  • Camano Food Entrepreneur Incubator

Some Past Food Systems Project Accelerator Awardees: