Latinx Business Development News: More Food Distribution and Computer Class Sign-ups!

NABC’s Latinx Business Development Program along with our invaluable partner organizations, Food Lifeline, Catholic Community Services Farmworker Center, and Skagit Gleaners teamed up to carry out the seventh round of their Food Distribution Project.
The project first began during the pandemic. The objective is to boost sales for local Latinx Farmers and provide access to local, healthy, and organic produce to migrant families from around the Skagit valley. Since its inception, there have been two distributions each year.
On Friday, September 8th, 2023, 9 Latinx Farmers provided over $10,200.00 and 20 varieties of local, organic produce that was distributed to seventy-five migrant families.
Each participating Farmer will be awarded an additional $500.00 to purchase seeds for the next farming season.
Food Lifeline fully funded this project, as it, along with NABC, is dedicated to food justice and food sovereignty. Access to healthy foods should be a basic human right and structural barriers to that right must be lessened. Latinx Farmers selling culturally appropriate produce to the project and being awarded funds for their seed expenses helps put the needs of our local producers and their community at the center. Big thanks to Food Lifeline, Catholic Community Services Farmworker Center and their volunteers, and to Skagit Gleaners for making this project possible.