Member Training Sessions are off to a Good Start!
Yesterday, PSFN hosted the first of many PSFN Member Training Sessions. These one-on-one, hour-long meetings are an opportunity for producers, buyers, and service providers alike to meet with your PSFN Account Manager and to ask necessary questions to help move your business forward.

We’ve developed these trainings because we want to know from YOU, individually, what your business’s specific needs are. How can we work with you to help you reach your goals? Whether it’s one-on-one introductions, mini trade meetings, logistical help, wholesale markets, or brainstorming ideas for where you want to expand customer base, we want to discuss all the ways your PSFN membership can connect you with the local buyers, producers, or infrastructure you need.
Yesterday’s training in Skagit County (held at NABC’s offices in Mount Vernon) was busy – we had a totally booked day! Members came with great questions and open minds. I think, together, we came up with a lot of good ideas and connections. A big thanks to Ann Leason, our Operations Manager, for facilitating every single session!

As a member, you’re incredibly valuable to us as partners in the local food economy and as friends. What can we do for you to make your membership more valuable to you? Book your one-on-one session today and receive individualized assistance on the best ways to utilize your annual membership to build your business:
Upcoming Training Dates Contact Ann Leason to RSVP or for more info: / 360-336-3666
March 23rd – King County*
2100 Building: 2100 24th Avenue South, Seattle
1-hour appointments available 8 AM – 5 PM
*A special opportunity for King County training attendees: the training will be taking place simultaneously and in the same building as, a Farm to Table Kick-off event for King County Childcare providers. This is a great opportunity to meet a large group of buyers who will begin placing orders shortly!
April 6th – Snohomish County
Snohomish County Extension Office: 600 128th Street SE, Everett
1-hour appointments available 8 AM – 5 PM
Whatcom County
May 4th – Island County
Coupeville Public Library: 788 NW Alexander St. Coupeville
1-hour appointments available 8 AM – 5 PM
Contact Ann Leason to RSVP or for more information: / 360-336-3666