PSFN Welcomes New Farm to Table Coordinator
Thirty-six resumes read and eight interviews completed, Puget Sound Food Network, a project of Northwest Agriculture Business Center, is pleased to welcome Karen Mauden to our team.

Karen will be PSFN’s Farm to Table Coordinator starting November 1st.
Karen will be dedicated to our new CPPW funded project led by Seattle Human Services (Aging and Disability Services). She will be focused on connecting local food to Seattle’s least served communities through Congregate/Home Delivered Meal Programs. Karen’s responsibility will be to identify local food sources, negotiate pricing and create solutions that will lead to opportunities for expansion in Puget Sound and modeling in other cities, especially underserved communities. Representing PSFN, Karen will act as a “benevolent broker” to work with local producers and find ways to improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables for low-income adults.
Karen joins PSFN with ideal qualifications and professional experience, but she has a winning attitude and an insatiable curiosity that we really like. She is a creative thinker with a drive to succeed.
Karen had an early interest in nutrition and received her Bachelor of Science, Foods & Nutrition from Washington State University. Karen brings to this position thirty-six years experience in managing purchasing systems and distribution networks. Karen also owned her own foodservice brokerage for sixteen years. Karen is co-owner of the Houser family dairy farm in Sedro Woolley. From 3rd grade on, she worked in berry fields during summers. Her favorite job was driving the truck during pea harvest season in the Edison area. PSFN was delighted to learn that she was crowned 1971 Skagit Island Dairy Princess and received Skagit Valley College & Washington State University athletic letters in Field Hockey, Basketball and Tennis. These days, Karen likes to garden, play golf, volleyball, tennis and go hiking. She is a member of Association for Healthcare Foodservice.
Representing PSFN, Karen and Emma Brewster ( will be the dynamic duo dedicated to the success of this grant-funded project until the end of 2011. Karen is excited about her new role because, “I will be helping create a sustainable model for delivering produce on behalf of local farmers to designated community service organizations. This project will draw on my past 36 years foodservice experience, business networks, entrepreneurial spirit and creative thinking.” We couldn’t agree more.
Please join me in welcoming Karen to PSFN.
City of Seattle-King County Public Health announced the 2010 award recipients who applied for $8.9 million in Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) grants from the HEAL (Healthy Eating/ Active Living) Community Grant Program. The Northwest Agriculture Business Center’s Puget Sound Food Network (PSFN) received funding to participate as a partner in a CPPW funded project led by Seattle Human Services Aging and Disability Services. For more information about the project, please visit