Puget Sound Ag Stats
As I continue to research the potential market size of the Puget Sound Food Network, I dove in to the USDA Ag Census tables and WSDA data and came up with these numbers:
In the 12 Puget Sound counties there are over 10,000 farms on over 600,000 acres selling $1.1 Billion of agricultural products. Regional food processing is a $6.3 Billion industry and creates almost 20,000 jobs.
I compiled the farm data of the 12 Puget Sound counties in to a pdf, the Puget Sound Ag Census. The 2007 USDA Ag Census is scheduled to be released in early February and we expect that while there may be fewer overall acres they may be even more economic value to these products since the market for local food has taken off over the last 3-5 years.
WSDA data comes from some great maps they periodically update. Below are the two main maps.