Congratulations to NABC’s Latinx Business Development Program 2024 Bilingual Computer Course Graduates!

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The photo above features 32 individuals who withstood and perservered despite a stormy start to their learning journey. The course started with strong winds, power outages, and class cancellations in October. However, they persisted, showed up, and dedicated their time to learning valuable computer skills that will improve their personal and professional lives. We are…

Second Annual Regional Ag Infrastructure Summit Hosted by NABC

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On February 19, NABC hosted the second Regional Ag Infrastructure Summit in Edison WA. Attendees included a variety of food systems infrastructure project partners from Western Washington. The topics up for discussion were meat processing, cooperative food hub development, and multi-use facilities. NABC owes special thanks to our presenters including:Darron Marzolf- Marzolf MeatsShannon Bly- Whidbey Island Growers CooperativeAndrew…

Thanks for Everything, Luke!

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NABC extends a warm thank you to former Project Manager Luke Woodward as he moves on to his next adventure. Luke Woodward began his journey with NABC nearly a decade ago. Early on in his tenure, Luke was featured in this Cool Jobs write-up in the Seattle Times. Not long after, he and his wife Sarah bought…

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Hello Hmong WA Community,

Join us on Sat March 15 from 9 - 11 am at Vue Prime Mexican Steakhouse. Come meet our new HAW Board Members and wish our departing members well on their next adventure!

We look forward to seeing you all there!

- HAW Team
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📢 Enrollment for the STAR program opens this month!

The STAR Tool is a free, confidential resource designed to support producers in adopting conservation practices on their fields. These practices enhance soil health, improve water and air quality, and can boost farm profitability.

By completing a simple form about their current practices, producers receive a STAR rating from 1 to 5, along with personalized recommendations, technical assistance, a Conservation Innovation Plan (CIP) for implementation, and a field sign showcasing their STAR rating.

Benefits of STAR:
🌟 Smart investment: Practices that conserve soil and water lead to more resilient farms, resulting in higher crop yields, increased farm revenue, and enhanced land value.
🌟 Free expert guidance: STAR helps reduce the risks of adopting new practices by offering a tailored plan, a technical advisor, a list of eligible programs, and resources to support implementation.
The first 100 people to enroll will receive a FREE SOIL TEST!

To learn more, email or sign up for our newsletter to get timely updates at

#STAR #STARTool #ConservationPractices #SoilHealth #WaterQuality #Agriculture #Farming #TechnicalAssistance #Conservation #Sustainability #WAFarms
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Photos from Boldly Grown Farm's post ... See MoreSee Less