The National Rural Assembly will host a National Rural Youth Assembly on April 22-25, 2010, at the Institute for American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The Assembly seeks 50 young adults from rural communities across the country who will gather to discuss the issues they see as critical to their lives and communities.

The National Rural Assembly Steering Committee asks rural leaders and mentors to nominate young people who are interested in rural issues and invested in making an impact in their local communities.

The National Rural Youth Assembly will engage young people on the key policy areas of the Rural Assembly including the quality of education, stewardship of our natural resources, investment in our communities, and the health of rural people.  Youth will represent the diversity of rural America in geographies, races, cultures, genders, incomes and sexual orientations.

Nominated participants must 18-25 years old and represent a rural community.  For further criteria, please review the Youth Assembly application packet.

Deadline for Applications:
All application packets are due Friday, February 26th by 5 p.m. EDT.

Click here to download the Youth Assembly Application Packet